It’s wonderful to be able to leave children an inheritance, but you want to make sure that the wealth you’ve worked so hard to build and set aside for their future is protected, regardless of where life takes them.
Before you rent or buy a vacation property from a non-resident, there are a few important tax implications that you should know.
A family investment trust might be right for you if you have a substantial amount of cash and investments that are not needed to fund your own lifestyle and retirement needs.
With the appreciation of the U.S. dollar and the price of U.S. real estate rising in recent years, more Canadians are looking to lock in their gain by selling their U.S. vacation property.
Prescribed rate loans can be an excellent financial planning tool and are one of the few income splitting strategies that remain for many Canadian families.
With COVID-19’s effect on market conditions, now could be a great time to review your investment portfolio to identify tax planning opportunities, such as tax loss selling.
Whether you’re leaving a little or a lot, the key to protecting your loved ones is simple: just start.
Adding your adult child as a joint owner to your property could have unintended tax and legal consequences.
As a member of a blended family you need to pay careful attention to how your estate is structured to avoid inadvertently disinheriting your children.
As a business owner, having a well thought out tax and estate plan is key for financial success.